Data for Good Landscape Mapper
Welcome to the D4G Landscape Mapper! With this tool, you can classify a group that supports "data for good" or "AI for good" based on what they aim to achieve and how they do it. Don't worry about being "right" - just do your best based on what you know about the organization. Thanks for helping with this project!
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Organization Name *
E.g. University of Chicago
Organization Type *
E.g. University of Chicago
Initiative Name *
E.g. David Uminsky's data science for social good training program
Initiative Description
E.g. This program trains data scientists to go work in the social sector.
Which outcomes is this initiative committed to? *
This initiative seeks to change data science and AI created within this system: *
This question is about the system the initiative is trying to affect, not the type of organization it is. For example, IBM is a for-profit company, but its "IBM for Social Good" program seeks to help the non-profit sector. Similarly, Code for America is a nonprofit, but it seeks to change the use of tech within government. Pick the system(s) this initiative ultimately wants to see changed.
What part of the data science pipeline does this initiative concern itself with? *
Some initiatives focus heavily on affecting one aspect of data science creation or use. For example, Humanitarian Data Exchange provides data to humanitarian organizations, but doesn't deal with any other aspects of the data pipeline. On the other hand, media companies like Stanford Social Innovation Review's AI section might write about any and every stage of the pipeline. Check the stages you feel this initiative primarily seeks to influence.
What strategy does this initiative use to make change? *
Given the stage(s) of the DS pipeline this program targets, within a certain logic, and for a certain outcome, we now want to know what their main lever for doing that is.
(Optional) Which stages of Observe / Reason / Act does this initiative focus on? *
If you are familiar with the Observe / Reason / Act framework and feel this group focuses on some or all of these stages, mark that here. For example, Tableau's software is heavily focused on the Observe phase (creating and describing observations), with little in the way of helping users build predictive models or algorithmic automations.
(Optional) Email
Providing your email allows us to contact you if we want to discuss the answers you gave or invite you to follow-up workshops to continue working on the landscape. We'll also be sure to send you updates about the progress of the landscape.
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