Force of Nature Student Workshops Sign up
UMBC's Office of Sustainability has arranged for a 3 part workshop series focused on climate anxiety and eco-grief via Force of Nature, a youth-led organization focused on empowering young people to create real change. The workshop series will take place entirely virtually on Fridays April 7th, 14th, and 21st from 11 AM-12:30 PM. These workshops are designed as a series and are meant to all be taken together. Priority will be given to students who can attend all 3. There are limited spots, and this is open to both graduate and undergraduate students
  • Classroom 1 is an ‘Anxiety to Agency’ workshop
    • Which entails understanding the relationship between mental health, mindset and climate change. Map your mental and emotional landscape, including the barriers to taking action. And finally hone in on the problem you want to solve, and get clear on your vision of the future.
  • Classroom 2 is ‘Discover’
    • Which uses meaning-focused coping to anchor in action, identify your strengths and map your potential. Finally, tap into your reservoir of resilience.
  • Classroom 3 is ‘Catalyse
    • Which brings focus to your change-maker intention, identifies internal and external barriers, clarifies your sphere's influence, and understands your role in the ecosystem of action. 
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Are you available for all 3 Workshops (April 7th, 14th, and 21st from 11:00 AM-12:30 PM)? *
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