Office of Alumni Relations - PEARSON SCHOOL KOMPALLY
Dear Alumnus/Alumna,
The Pearson School Kompally has recently established an Office of Alumni Relations which is currently updating its database. This Office will engage with alumni from our school and work closely with them to build a sustainable, inclusive, and supportive network that benefits alumni, students, and the Institution. We request you to take a minute of your time to fill the brief form below.We look forward to a mutually beneficial, long term relationship while keeping you abreast of key developments in your school and help you to reconnect with former teachers and classmates.
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Your name as per the School records
Date of Birth
Year of passing from the School
Class last attended in Pearson School
Your Admission No
Contact Number
House Colour
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If you had any leadership role during school days please mention
Your current area of specialization
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If your current area of specialization is other than above, please specify
City of Residence
State of Residence
Country of Residence
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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