EC Learning Hub - Waitlist 2024/2025
Thank you for being so interested in EC Learning Hub for the 2024/2025 school year. Due to increased demand, we have now a waitlist available. We are still finalizing room placements, which means that there is a chance of additional space for your child. Also, room availability can present itself leading up to the school year if changes happen with existing families. 

Please enter the parent and student information with the grade(s) you are interested in. We will do our best to keep everyone updated.

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Email *
Parent Name *
Phone Number *
Address *
Relationship to Student *
Please indicate what church your family is currently attending?
Number of Children Interested in Applying
Names of Children *
Please enter each name you want on the waitlist.
What Grades are you interested in? (Please select grades for each child) *
Thank you for expressing your interest for EC Learning Hub 24/25.  We will reach out if there is availability for your child. 
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