School Counseling Referral Form                        (Escuela Consejeria Referencia)                                       John C. Fremont Elementary School
Fremont Elementary 2024-2025
Melissa Juarez, School Counselor
559 992-8883 ext 3237
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Date (Fecha): *
Student Name  (Nombre del Estudiante): *
Referral Submitted By (Referencia presentada por): *
Grade (Grado): *
Teacher (Maestro):  *
Reason(s) for referral (Razones para la referencia):  *
Details (be more specific about your reason(s) for referral (Detalles para referencia): *
Parent: Have you made contact with school staff regarding concern? 
(Padres, se han puesto contacto con la escuela con respecto a la preocupacion?

Teacher: Have you contacted parents? Please share interventions that you are using.  

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