USPS Support Hearts Request
Thanks for your interest in this project! The USPS is an important piece of American infrastrucure. It is an integral part of countless small and large businesses and any threat to it is a threat to a part of our democracy and national security.

Mailbox hearts are roughly 3.5" wide and come with a double sided tape backing for easy attachment to your mailbox, mail slot, etc.

Lapel Pins are roughly 1.5" wide with a standard butterfly clasp pin back.

Requests will be filled in the order that they are placed and based on available resources.

$5/pc and $8 for shipping for orders less than 10 pieces. Payment instructions for Venmo and PayPal listed below. Shipping is basically $8 regardless of location BECAUSE THAT'S HOW THE USPS WORKS.
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USPS Lapel Pin
USPS Mailbox Heart
How many USPS Mailbox Hearts?
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How many USPS Lapel Pins?
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Please include your first name and last initial in the in the payment comment. Alternately, you can order through etsy at
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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