Cambridge IELTS 1: Listening Test 2: Part 3- Fiona and Martin's Tutorial Discussion
Part 3: Questions 22-24
Tick the appropriate letter.

21. At first Fiona thinks that Martin’s tutorial topic is
 A inappropriate
 B dull
 C interesting
 D fascinating

22. According to Martin, the banana
 A has only recently been cultivated
 B is economical to grow
 C is good for your health
 D is his favourite food

23. Fiona listens to Martin because she
 A wants to know more about bananas
 B has nothing else to do today
 C is interested in the economy of Australia
 D wants to help Martin

24. According to Martin, bananas were introduced into Australia from
 A India
 B England
 C China
 D Africa

Question 21 *
1 point
Question 22 *
1 point
Question 23 *
1 point
Question 24 *
1 point
Questions 25-30

Complete Martin’s notes Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Commercially grown banana plant
• Each banana tree produces (25) .................... of bananas
• On modern plantations in tropical conditions a tree can bear fruit after
• Banana trees prefer to grow (27)..................  and they require rich soil and
• The fruit is often protected by (29) ..............................
• Ripe bananas emit a gas which helps other (30)..........................

Question 25
1 point
Question 26
1 point
Question 27
1 point
Question 28
1 point
Question 29
1 point
Question 30
1 point
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