RSVP for NYAAF's Fund-a-Thon!
Join us on May 22 at Cafe Erzulie in Brooklyn to celebrate the joy of funding abortions! We will  have an open bar, small bites, good music, and an amazing community of dedicated supporters and activists.  

Sunday, May 22 2-5 pm
Cafe Erzulie (back patio)
894 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY

Anyone who participates in Fund-a-Thon will get in free. Others will be encouraged to donate a small amount (suggested $15) to enter. The event will be held outside and we will check vaccination cards at the entrance.

We hope to see you there!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Will you join us on May 22 for Fund-a-Thon? *
In what ways have you been involved with NYAAF? *
Select all that apply
Are you currently fundraising for NYAAF in this year's fund-a-thon? *
Anyone who participates in Fund-a-Thon will get in free. Others will be encouraged to donate a small amount (suggested $15) as an entrance fee.
If you are currently participating in fund-a-thon, please link your fundraising page
Are you interested in learning more about an upcoming intake case manager training? *
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