Celebrating Bees and other Native Pollinators Workshop Registration
Come learn about our native pollinators and what you can do to attract and support them in your communities!  Join EcoScapes Sustainable Land Use Program at University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant in welcoming Dr. Nancy Lee Adamson of the Xerces Society for a program with Keren Giovengo, EcoScapes Program Manager.  Keren will speak on the diversity and importance of native pollinators and how to select, source, and design pollinator-friendly native plant habitats.  Nancy will highlight native bees and their connections to native plants, other wildlife, watersheds, and our own well-being.  We will visit the EcoScapes native plant demonstration garden following the presentations.

Date:  Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Time:  2-4 pm presentations followed by a tour of the EcoScapes native plant demonstration garden

Location:  University of Georgia Marine Extension and Georgia Sea Grant
715 Bay Street
Brunswick, Georgia  31520
Directions:  https://gacoast.uga.edu/about/contact-us/brunswick-station/#ma

Guest Speaker:  Nancy Adamson, PhD, Senior Pollinator Conservation Specialist, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and USDA Natural Resources

UGA Speaker:  Keren Giovengo, Program Manager, UGA EcoScapes Sustainable Land Use Program

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Thank you!
Thank you for joining us for the Celebrating Bees and other Native Pollinators Workshop on October 23rd from 2 to 4 p.m. in Brunswick, GA. We hope you'll be able to join us for a visit to the Ecoscapes Garden following the program.

Thanks for all you do to support conservation, protect watersheds, and enhance diversity in gardens, on farms, and in your communities.

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