Register: Racial Justice, Equity & Healing Summit - September 2021
Thank you for your interest in attending OUSD's Virtual Racial Justice, Equity & Healing Summit for Professional Learning Day on September 3rd, 2021!

The OUSD Racial Justice, Equity & Healing Taskforce is offering workshops for all staff to cycle through across the various professional learning days.

Date: Friday, September 3rd
Time: 1:00pm-3:15pm
Where: Please see AGENDA:

1:00 - 1:30 > Opening Panel: Implementing Racial Justice & Antiracism in OUSD Schools
1:45 - 3:15 > 6 Concurrent Racial Justice Workshops

Event Details @

Please register by Thursday, September 2nd to ensure you are included in the email & reminders with Zoom links!
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Email Address *
First Name *
Last Name *
School Site, Organization or Affiliation *
Position/Title/Grade Level If Applicable: *
Phone Number:
I am a(n): *
How many years have you been working in OUSD? *
Can you attend the Opening Panel on Racial Justice Lessons Learned & Best Practices from 1:00-1:30pm?
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Please designate which core workshop you would like to attend from 1:45-3:15: *
What are you hoping to learn & explore in this session?
Have you attended an OUSD Racial Justice Summit or OUSD's Core Racial Justice Workshops before?
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How many people are you RSVP'ing for? (Please put a #, thanks!)
Please let us know if you have translation or accessibility requests by August 30th if possible:
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