2024 MainPower Youth Sport Scholarship Application
Relevant Consideration Period - 1st September 2023 - 31st August 2024
Nominations Close: 5pm Friday 20th September 2024
Winner & runners up announced at special function at MainPower Stadium on 2nd November 2024
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Important Notes - Please read before filling out this form
If you are unable to complete this form in a single sitting please submit it anyway after clicking NO on the "I have completed this application" question.  You will receive a confirmation email to the address entered above detailing the information you have provided so far, and at the top of that email you will find an "Edit Response" button which will allow you to return to your original form to edit or submit additional information.

Once you have completed the form with as much information as possible please select YES on the "I have completed this application" question and submit it again.  We will not prepare your application for the judges until you have confirmed your completion of the form or when applications close at 5pm on 29th September 2023.

Information for Applying for a MainPower Youth Sport Scholarship
Up to ten Youth Sports Scholarships of $2,000 are available to North Canterbury based athletes to assist them in advancing their sporting pursuits.  From these Scholarship recipients a winner and two runners-up may be awarded additional scholarship funding of $5,000 and $2,500 each respectively.

These Scholarships are available to applicants between the ages of 12 and 20 years inclusive who (or whose parents / guardians) reside within the MainPower New Zealand Limited network.

Applications close at 5pm on Friday 13th September 2024.
The North Canterbury Sport & Recreation Trust, on behalf of MainPower New Zealand Limited, will appoint an independent judging panel to consider all applications at the end of September and the Scholarship recipients will be announced in the Northern Outlook newspaper and on the NC Sports website.  

The Scholarship winner and two runners up will be announced at a special function at MainPower Stadium on Saturday 2nd November 2024.  

The judging panel’s decision is final.

Please note that any personal information presented in this application will only be used for the purpose of the administration and assessment of the application.  Successful applicants will be required, for promotional purposes, to consent to media releases as a condition of acceptance.  Information may be released if required under the Official Information Act.

The aim of the Scholarships is to assist local sporting talent to perform to their utmost ability. The Scholarships will provide an obtainable goal for the youth of the region to strive for and initiate a foundation that will breed a regional culture of sporting success and excellence.

Applications may be made by persons who [or whose parents or guardians] reside within the MainPower New Zealand Limited network. This includes the districts of Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura.

To access their scholarship funds recipients must provide copies of their receipts to the NCSRT for reimbursement. Receipts must be for relevant expenses – eg: travel to tournaments, accommodation at tournaments, training equipment, coaching expenses etc.  Please note Scholarships are NOT paid out in a lump sum to finalists and winners. The Scholarship Administrator will contact Scholarship recipients on a regular basis for progress reports.

One year starting from the date of the MainPower North Canterbury Sports Awards event, though there is some flexibility within this if key tournaments/expenses don’t fall within that year.

In awarding a Scholarship, the following factors will be considered:
Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 20 (ie: older than 11 years and younger than 21 years) as on the last day of the relevant consideration period.
Applicants must have been selected by their national organisation to represent New Zealand within the relevant consideration period.
Applicants must have an annual income of $20,000 or less.

The successful Scholarship finalists will be chosen by an independent judging panel based on the information provided in this application form and from other sources, including media, who will also choose the overall Scholarship winner and runners up.  The panel’s decision is final.  

MainPower New Zealand has commissioned the North Canterbury Sport & Recreation Trust to administer and control all matters related to the MainPower Youth Sports Scholarships.

Applicants must include at least two references from people who can comment on their personal qualities and/or abilities.  Applications will not be considered if they do not include TWO references.

A suitable quality digital “head and shoulders” photograph must be supplied by email to roliver@sportstrust.org.nz.  Photograph must be of decent quality and can be either formal or action, provided it gives a good depiction of the applicant’s face.  Close up photos from a phone camera often distort the face so are not recommended.

Any prospective applicant who has been convicted of a criminal offence punishable with a prison term is not eligible for this Scholarship.

If you would like more information about the MainPower Youth Sports Scholarships please contact:
Rosie Oliver
Ph: 03 975 5560
Email:  roliver@sportstrust.org.nz

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