Tournament of Puzzles - Feedback Survey
Help us make our major update as best as it can be and provide us some context and feedback surrounding your experience with Escape Academy: Tournament of Puzzles!
Have you played Escape Academy before?
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If yes, how much of the content have you played through?
What was your favorite part of Escape Academy: Tournament of Puzzles?
What was your least favorite part of Escape Academy: Tournament of Puzzles?
Did you play Escape Academy: Tournament of Puzzles in Solo or PvP?
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How many rounds of Escape Academy: Tournament of Puzzles did you play over the course of the playtest?
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How long on average did it take you to complete each round?
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How did you feel about the amount of variety between rounds?
How did you feel about the different game modes in the Tournament of Puzzles?
How did you feel about the power-ups in the Tournament of Puzzles?
What other features would you be interested in seeing in Escape Academy: Tournament of Puzzles?
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