Arlette's ☆HIT-LIST ☆Sketches sign-up form


/one sketch request per user/

♡I will likely be sketching cute humans or humanoids I find interesting. I rather draw in my comfort zone so keep that in mind! 

 ♡I may not get to everybody due to my busy schedule. So please, keep this in mind as it is not a 100% guarantee that I will not draw your character!Thank you. 

♡My requests will only be sketches . If you want colored art, then you will have to attack or friendly fire me first.

♡See my artwork here and support on artfight(?)




☆Bluesky :

Email *



☆Username?: What is your Artfight Username?

☆Link to your Artfight? I want to look at accounts *

☆Friendly Fire? (Seafoam Only)

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☆Desired Character Link or ID? If there is no response , I will draw any character in your list.

Only Answer if you answered the above question. Any specifics you have in mind when I draw your desired character?

☆How are you likely to revenge? O least likely to 5 yes

Heck nah I want free art! (It's okay to be honest! )
Yasss! I just wanna draw random characters anyways!
☆Do you comment on attacks?
By submitting your response, I will be posting my art attack to my socials <3 Final Note!! 

Thank you for your time filling out this questionnaire ! Good luck in Art Fight! 


P.S. if you attack my characters in Artfight first, your sketch will be colored! 

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