Participate in the survey to easily experience X Platform Lite


We are EchoX, and we have just launched the 360° Brand Value Management Tool: X Platform Lite.

We would like to understand your needs and expectations to provide the most suitable solution for you.

After completing the survey, you will receive a one-month free test version of X Platform Lite.
The survey will take only about 3-5 minutes. Your valuable feedback is very important to us.

Thank you for your participation!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Brand / Company Name *
Your Name *
Your Position *
Your Email (Contact Information) *
Please ensure the email address you entered is correct.
We will use it to activate your trial account and contact you.
Your company's industry *
Your company size *
What is your brand / company type? *
What fan management tools are you currently using?
Which sales channels are you currently using?
Have you ever used any membership management tools? *
Membership Management involves converting fans or general customers into members, deeply engaging loyal members to enhance brand loyalty, so that maximizing customer value.
Following the previous question, what were the key benefits of the membership management tools you’ve used?
Following the previous question, what improvements would you suggest for the membership management tools you’ve used?
What are the membership management challenges you are currently facing? (Select up to two options) *
Now, your brand value can be turned into income.
X Platform Lite helps you quickly set up your own branded website, boosts customer loyalty, and turns engagement into lasting value.
How did you hear about X Platform Lite? *
Before using our product, do you have any expectations or suggestions?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
After submission, you will enter our trial version delivery process. The process is as follows:
  1. Response Time: We will reply via email within 3-5 business days after receiving your survey.

  2. Account Activation: The email will include the trial account details, trial version URL, account activation times, and other related documents.

  3. Interview Arrangement: After the trial period ends, we will schedule an interview. You will receive an email with an online meeting link and a scheduling website.

Do you agree not to disclose any information from the trial version to external parties and understand that violating this agreement will result in the termination of your trial service? 
If you do not agree, you will not be able to proceed with the trial process.
Please confirm that the above information is correct and agree to submit.
If you do not agree, you will not be able to proceed with the trial process.
Is there anything else you would like to share with EchoX?

Please keep an eye on your email to ensure you don’t miss any notifications from EchoX!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us:

Thank you again for your participation!

Best regards,

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