Automation Trial Form for Developers

Kameleo is a complete and integrated anti-detect browser for browser fingerprinting protection and easy browser automation using Selenium, Puppeteer or Playwright.

How to request trial access:

  1. To start, please register a Kameleo account:
  2. After registration, complete the form to request trial access and explore our features
  3. A member of our team will contact you shortly to assist further

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Use the same email address that you used to create your Kameleo account.
How do you plan to use Kameleo's automation features? *
Describe your use case, including the project or business area you are working on. Please note that we cannot provide you with free trial access if the use case is unclear!
What websites do you target? *
List the names or URLs of all the targeted websites, one per line.
What software and technology do you use? *
Describe what programming languages, frameworks, or libraries you currently use or plan to use in the future.
How many license do you need? *
Kameleo's license model restricts the number of allowed concurrent access, so please specify how many instances you are planning to run simultaneously.
How many profiles do you start daily? *
In Kameleo, each browsing session runs in a separated environment which is called a profile. Please specify on average how many profiles do you intent to launch in a 24 hours timeframe.
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