C1 Test 4
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Information Overload Listening Exercise
You will hear part of an interview in which two experts called Kirsten Neet and Anton Best are discussing the idea of what’s called ‘information overload’.
1. What aspect of modern life does Anton think Seneca anticipated?
2 points
Clear selection
2. In Kirsten's view, the volume of material available today
2 points
Clear selection
3. How does Anton respond to the suggestion of doing without much of today's information?
2 points
Clear selection
4. In discussing the problem of dealing with information overload today, the two experts agree that
2 points
Clear selection
5. Kirsten sees the biggest work-related benefit arising from greater available information as
2 points
Clear selection
6. What does Kirsten say dieting made her realise about information?
2 points
Clear selection
Clear form
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