Peterborough Dodgeball Academy 
Please provide all your details and only submit one per participant. Note that this is for boys & girls in school years 3,4,5,6,7 & 8. After you have filled in the form please make payment immediately by BACS into:

Kick-Off Sports
Account: 56013162
Sort code: 77-72-16
Using your child’s last name as reference and dodgeball for example SmithDodgeball.

A place is only secured once payment has been made and places are limited. 
Once payment has been made then your child will be booked onto the activity. We will not send confirmation. 

If the booking form allows you to book that term then we have places available.

Please note that if you have booked one term and would like your child to keep attending future terms throughout the year you will need to fill in this form and make payment again. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Child's Name *
Parents/Guardians Name *
Year at school *
Please select term(s) you would like your child to participate in. Note your child is only booked onto a term once payment has been made.  *
Parent/Guardian Main Mobile phone number.
Number Required Only
Emergency Contact Number
Number Required Only
School Attending *
Photography permission. From time to time we may take action shots, group or individual photos from the event e.g. star of the week which we upload onto  social media or Kick-Off Sports promotional material. Please can you confirm that we have permission. *
Any Medical Conditions *
By submitting this form i the above named Parent/Guardian of the above named child support this application and understand that Kick-Off Sports and its coaches accept no liability in respect of injury, loss or damage to persons or property. In the event that my son/daughter is injured whilst playing sport and I cannot be contacted on the above number, I hereby give my consent for my child to receive medical attention.   I understand and agree that once payment is made that this is non refundable. A refund will only be issued if the place is filled. GDPR Notice: The information provided above will not be used or given to any third party. It will be of the sole use of Kick-Off Sports used to book/register and in the event of medical emergency. From time to time we will send reminder texts or emails of up and coming Kick-Off Sports events.  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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