ICSB Academy

Fill out the following form to become and ICSB Academy Student and join a global community of entrepreneurs at the ICSB World Congress in Paris, France from July 12th to 16th or virtually with ICSB Academy - Executive Edition from June 29 - July 3rd! The ICSB Academy welcomes advanced students and graduates of all ages that would like to attend.
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First Name *
Last (Family) Name *
Email *
Address *
Institution *
Bio *
Please tell us about your interest in becoming an ICSB Academy Entrepreneur *
I would like to join ICSB Academy as a: *
ICSB Academy Executive Edition from June 29 -July 3rd (Online only) *
I would like to attend the ICSB Academy Cup from July 12th to 16th In person (Paris, France) *
I am an active member of ICSB. *
Please be sure that all your information is correct above. You will hear back from us shortly. In the meantime, please follow ICSB on social media (Twitter (@ICSB), Instagram (@ICSBGlobal), Facebook, and LinkedIn).
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