Hey guys, please fill in your ID and check your inbox in two working days if you are interested in joining the Musée Vajayjay Minecraft Realms. We can’t wait to see you there on November 1. Thanks for your support!
Each ID is entitled to 14 days of VIP access after logging in to the server, which has a maximum capacity of 200 people on the waiting list. You need to fill out this form again if you can no longer access the server with your ID after 14 days. We will grant access based on the order so that everybody can give Musée Vajayjay a go!
PS. 每次在線上限為10人 ^^" 很抱歉,我們也想解決這個問題!如果有更好的伺服器解決方案請聯繫凱娜品牌客服:service@lovekirakira.com
There is a maximum capacity of 10 players online at the same time. We are currently looking into addressing this issue! Please contact our customer service if you have a better solution: service@lovekirakira.com