Submit your music to Simon Lee & Alvin
We are happy to receive music from all around the world for our DJ sets and radio show! Please help us to fill up this form and we will check out your track :) Thanks so much! - Simon Lee & Alvin
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Artiste Name *
Your Name *
Link to your track *
We only accept Soundcloud links - make sure your track is private and downloadable, and no 'like gates.' We accept original productions extended mix, no mixtapes, or remix that is part of an ongoing competition.
Is the track exclusive? *
Available for radio airplay? *
Record label? *
If signed, please state label and release date. Else, state 'unsigned'.
Your Email address : *
Which country are you from? *
Facebook URL :
Twitter URL :
Soundcloud URL :
Any message for Simon Lee & Alvin?
Any information on yourself, previous releases, the track, early DJ support, release date,  etc.
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