Mountain Man Rendezvous
Dear Parents,
The fourth grade will be holding its annual Mountain Man Rendezvous.  December, 19th 2:15 Q1 gym. This activity will help students gain a better understanding of basic economics as well as how mountain men and early pioneers made and sold products. This activity is part of our social studies curriculum. All students are encouraged to participate and will need to be present on the day of the activity.
     As part of this activity, the fourth graders will be required to make a product or plan a service to “sell” during the rendezvous. This product should be homemade. Students should use materials that can be found around the house to make their product. Any cost involved in purchasing materials should be minimal. Students will need to make 30 items to sell. NO real money will be used to purchase products; instead, students will be rewarded with “pelts” for behavior, assignments, and actions in class. Students will use their pelts to purchase the products made by other students.
Products will be DUE MONDAY, December 16th in class. This will ensure that students are ready to sell that week, as well as give time for teachers to help students price their product and make a poster in class. If you have any concerns or questions, please, send me an email. Thanks for your help and support. See you at the Rendezvous!!

Thank You,
Mrs. Garrett
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I acknowledge that 30 items need to be brought to school on Monday, December 16th. *
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