Photonics Frontiers Award 2025 Application Form
Thank you for applying to the Photonics Frontiers Award 2025, brought to you by Electro Optics. This application form is designed to collect detailed information about your innovative photonics project. Please fill out each section thoroughly, as your responses will be used for judging and may also be featured in editorial and promotional content.
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SECTION ONE: Applicant details
Name of applicant/team leader: (First name, Last name) *
Job title *
(e.g., company, university, research Group)
(Country & City/town)
Type of organisation
(Select one)
SECTION TWO: Project overview
Project title:
(Provide a concise and descriptive title for your project)
Award category:
(Select the most relevant category. Detailed category descriptions are available here)
Project summary:
(Provide a high-level summary of your project for the lay reader in 200–300 words)
What makes your project stand out as a strong candidate for the Photonics Frontiers Award 2025?
(In 200-300 words, please highlight unique aspects, achievements, or any additional details)
Who contributed to this project?
(Provide names and roles of relevant team members and brief [up to 50 words] descriptions of their contributions)
SECTION THREE: Problem and innovation
What specific problem does your project address?
(Explain the problem or challenge in detail and why it’s important to solve)
How does your project use photonic technology to solve this problem?
(Describe the photonic technologies employed and their role in the solution)
What previously unidentified improvement or change does your project bring to the user?
(Focus on tangible benefits and outcomes for the end user)
SECTION 4: Market and growth impact
What opportunities does your project open up in new sectors, markets, or applications?
(Provide details on how your innovation could expand the use of photonics in new areas)
Who are the key beneficiaries or target users of this project?
(Specify industries, organisations, or user groups that benefit most)
SECTION 5: Supporting evidence
Describe the current status of the project
(e.g., completed, in-field testing, deployed)
What supporting materials can you provide?
(Check all that apply. Please email supporting files to
Is there any material that you would like the judges to consider in assessing your application, but DO NOT wish for it to be made public? If so, please enter that information here *
SECTION 7: Declaration and data consent
I confirm that this project complies with the following:
(Check to confirm)

By submitting this form, I agree to the terms and conditions of the Frontiers 2025 Awards
(Check to confirm)
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Data consent
We may use the information collected in this form to contact you for further details. 
If you submit information to the Photonics Frontiers Award 2025, we will likely use the text and data of your answers provided here in written articles both in print and online. 
Your personal details will not be shared with any third party, nor will we send you any other unrelated information from Electro Optics unless you have selected to receive so above (or you are already a registered reader). 
Answers to non-personal data questions may be stored for quantitative and qualitative analysis to enable us to further improve our future products and services.
Our full privacy policy can be viewed here.
To give your consent and to submit your responses, please tick the box below.
Closing date and queries
Please submit your application by Friday, 14 March. If you have any questions, contact
We look forward to reviewing your innovative photonics projects!
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