Live Walk through of & Clear Communication Index
The CDC has so many great online health literacy resources, it can be hard to know where to begin. To help you get started using these tools, the Regional Health Literacy Coalition, the Appalachia Community Cancer Network and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Middle Atlantic Region have organized two opportunities for you to take part in a "digital tour" of the CDC's online tools. You can choose between 3/24/15 and 3/26/15 on the next page.

Note: This is not a webinar. You'll need to follow along using your web browser. First, dial into 866-244-8528 and enter the passcode 724 772 8343. Then, access We'll start our "digital tour" there.

Health Communication Specialist, John Parmer, will guide both "digital tours." As part of the Office of the Associate Director for Communication (OADC), John helps to coordinate health literacy activities across the agency. In that role, he was involved in the launch of the Clear Communication Index as a research-based tool to help CDC communicate clearly its important information to its audiences.  
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