NYSUT's Member Organizing Institute         Summer 2022
There will be four MOI training sessions around the state. Please indicate on the form which training session you would like to attend. Once you complete this interest form a NYSUT organizer will follow up with you to discuss the program.  Please be aware that this program involves visiting people at their homes - so in order to protect participants, staff, and the members we will be canvassing, participants must be vaccinated or undergo weekly COVID-19 testing.  If you have any questions about this application, please email Megan O'Brien at Megan.Obrien@nysut.org

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MOI  2022 Training Session Options
June 28 & 29, Rochester Regional Office, Rochester NY
July  5 & 6, Long Island, location TBD
July 7 & 8  Doubletree Hotel, Tarrytown NY
July 8, 9, & 10, NYSUT Headquarters, Latham NY

Training Sessions are not paid, but participants will be provided with hotel and meals, and travel expenses will be reimbursed
Pick a preferred MOI Training Session *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Job Title: *
Employer *
Local Union Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code: *
Home Telephone Number (Include Area Code):
Cell phone (Include Area Code) *
Email Address *
How did you hear about this opportunity? *
Have you completed one of the other Member Organizing Institute programs before? *
Describe any prior experience you've had with one-to-one conversations and/or house visits. *
Describe the role you play in your union. How have you increased union participation in your local and your region? *
NYSUT's Member Organizing Institute will require participants having access to a car for the duration of the program. Will you have access to a car?
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