Join the Fun!  Kenmore Seattle Pride Parade 2023 Fun, Free Event, Open to All.  Sign-up Form.
Participate in the Kenmore Seattle Pride Parade. This is a Fun and Free Event. 
Open to All. Simply complete the sign-up form below!

Kenmore Seattle Pride, Sunday, June 25th, 2023. 
Location: Downtown Seattle.  
Parade Rout: Along 4th Ave (Starts at: 4th Ave. and Ends at: Denny Way) 

Email *
Name: First and Last (required by the parade) *
I am a adult, 18 years of age or older compleating this form. *
Primary Phone Number  *
Cell Phone 

(Alternative phone/or day of event contact)
How many people in your family or group will be attending with you?

Do you require ADA Accommodations to participate? *
Names & age, of the other people who will be attending with you and your family/friends?
*If this does not apply to you. Simply type "Does Not Apply".
If you have limited mobility or vision and require ADA Accommodations? If so, please describe and share below. 

*If this does not apply to you. Simply type: "Does Not Apply"
How did you hear about the Kenmore Seattle Pride Parade Event?  (Check all that apply). *
I understand that youth under 18 years of age must be accompanied and supervised by a Parental Adult, Guardian, or Foster Parent.  (Check the box below).

(Required by Parade)
Call for Volunteers!  

Do you like to volunteer? We have fun volunteer opertunities available. (Check the box that best fits your answer below). If you said yes! One of our parade organizers will reach out to you soon.
Thank You for Joining the Fun with Kenmore!  See You Soon!                                
2023 Seattle Pride Parade Theme: Galactic Love

Important Quick Tips!
Parade T-shirts are back this year & in limited in supply!

T-shirt Pick-up and Parade Swag Bag!  
Be sure to watch your email for pick-up information, days and times.

1-2 weeks before the Kenmore Seattle Pride Parade Event, 
Be sure to watch your email for important information on: Our parade line up,  parking, bus routs and more!

Last Step: Click the Submit Button Below!
Lastly, you will receive email confirmation after you click the submit button below.  

Final Note:
If something changes, you can come back to edit or update your response. Feel free to invite your friends, family, neigbors to join the fun!

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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