2024 GPF Silent Auction Donation Form
Thank you for supporting the Grant Professionals Foundation (GPF) and our work of providing scholarships to advance the grants profession. The annual Silent Auction is GPF’s signature fundraising event, and the Auction’s success depends on having a variety of interesting items. Every dollar raised in the Auction helps make more scholarships available… and YOUR donation to the Auction greatly appreciated! 

Once you have filled out this form you may either ship your item to the auction chair (info at the end of the form) or you can ship your item to the winner once the auction closes on November 1st. GPF is more than happy to ship items for you, but to deter additional expenses and costs, you are encouraged to ship directly to winner if possible. 

NOTE: We are accepting items up until September 30th (late exceptions can certainly be made on a case by case basis for items-we don't want to deter anyone from donating, but having a deadline ensures we can get every item entered into the auction software). The earlier you can commit your items, makes the process more smooth for our volunteer board members and auction committee! If you are a grant consultant or own your own business, we make every effort to promote and recognize your company's donation during the auction.  Donors are listed in conference slide shows, on our website and in our annual report. Please let the auction chair know if you have any preferences and we will do our best to accommodate!      
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Donor Info: Please tell us who you are and how we can thank you for your donation
First Name *
Last Name *
Business/Organization Name
Mailing Address *
City *
State/Teritory *
Zip Code *
Please enter a five digit zip code (or zip+4) from usps.com/zip4
Email Address *
Phone Number (include area code) *
Donor Acknowledgement *
Indicate how you would like your donor acknowledgment to appear on signage and annual report (50 characters max). Some examples include: 1. John Smith  2. JS Limited  3. John Smith of JS Limited  4. Anonymous
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