Know Your Kentucky: Where Herald-Leader reporters answer your questions about Lexington and beyond
Help the Lexington Herald-Leader identify and investigate topics around Lexington and across Kentucky that are important to you and other readers by letting us know what you're curious about.

Our new service journalism team is here to help you break down the news, become more informed and better participate in your community. You can help us by letting us know what you'd like to know more about. The topics can be serious or simple curiosity!

When you fill out this form, a member of our team will reach out. We won't publish your name or details without your permission.
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What questions about Kentucky would you like reporters to explore? *
What is something you wish more people knew about Kentucky? What nagging question about our community would you like answered?
What is your ZIP code? *
Would you like to receive occasional emails from the service journalism desk to stay up to date with our work? *
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