Ke Ala Hele Makalae User Survey
In order to provide you with a high quality recreational experience, we are conducting a survey of trail users.  Your cooperation in completing this survey will be greatly appreciated.  One user per survey form please!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your home zip code? *
How often, on average, do you use the trail? (select one response) *
Please identify your age group. (choose one response)
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Were any children under the age of 15 with you on your most recent trail experience? *
What is your gender?
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What are your typical activities on the trail? *
How much time do you generally spend on the trail each visit?
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Would you consider your use of the trail to be for...
How did you find out about Ke Ala Hele Makalae?
What portions of the trail do you use most often?
Name (optional)
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