Global Village Registration Form | AIESEC Egypt
Global village is about meeting people from different places that share the same interest of exploring.
These people don't live by the boundaries , they break it in order to live their life in an exceptional way to achieve inner peace; Which is one of our AIESEC visions, being peaceful and it is not only about being able to avoid wars but the ability to have own understanding and respecting the diversity of others.
So that's the reason why people gather in one place from all over the world in every possible chance so they can meet their missing worldwide friend & represent their countries with their cultures.

Register now & Don't miss the chance to meet your worldwide friends in your home country! now you're travelling without Visa!!!

Location: Greek Campus
Date: 9th of Feb. 2019
Ticket Price: 95 L.E
Post that contains how to pay the fees & receive your ticket:
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Full name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Gender *
Age *
City/Area *
Ex: (Heliopolis, Nasr City, etc)
University/Job *
Are you an AIESECer? *
If yes, which LC?
What does it mean to be a global citizen?
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