Cathedral Prayer Partners
This is a great opportunity to connect in prayer with other families in our parish! You will receive the first name of a student preparing to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion or Confirmation. We ask that you pray for this student by name every day. The student will also receive your first name and will be asked to pray for you as they journey toward receiving the sacrament(s). If you need suggestions for types of prayer, feel free to contact Abigail.
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First and Last Name *
Only your first name will be given to your prayer partner
Phone Number or Email Address *
This is how we will contact you to give you your partner's name and send any additional prayer requests they may have. It will not be shared with your prayer partner.
Are you a Cathedral parish member? *
We kindly ask that only parish members sign up to be a prayer partner. If you are not a parish member, you are still welcome to pray for our young people!
Do you have any prayer requests you would like your student prayer partner to pray for?
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