ASNG Discretionary Fund Application
This is a discretionary fund which members may apply to for study/conferences/courses costs when the cost of the course is greater than $250 and/or they have already used their $250 study grant.
Each application will be assessed on a case by case basis by the EC dependent on the relevance of the course/conference to improving the health of young people within SBHC, whether the course/conference can be accessed at a later date and the financial reserves of the ASNG.
A maximum of $300.00 (Three hundred dollars) may be approved per single application.  The applicant needs to have been a member of the ASNG for a minimum of 3 years and members can only submit one application per three years (36 months) for consideration by the Committee.
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Job title
Place of work (e.g. name of school)
Phone number (mobile or landline)
Give a description of the study leave / conference for which you are seeking assistance
Please detail the COMPLETE costs of this project. (Please Note: Specific detail of each component part of the study leave / conference NOT just a total figure)
Have you applied to any other body for grants to this study leave / conference
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