MLTC - Timetable requests and clash report form
Please use this form to report any timetable clash that involves an MLTC module. If your clash is between an MLTC module and an School of Languages and Cultures module you only need to fill in this form and do not need to contact the SLC directly. 

We understand that you may have responsibilities outside University or LSP recommendations, for example, which also require a request to change groups. Please note that whilst we cannot guarantee we can accommodate every request due to module capacity or clashes, we will give every consideration to your request and contact you to let you know the outcome. 

As full time students are expected to be available for teaching between the hours of 09:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday, please note that we are unable to consider requests to resolve non teaching clashes involving recreational activities (outside Wednesday afternoons) or changes based on personal preference for other dates and times when your timetable confirms that you are available at the times allocated for your taught language sessions.

Current MLTC timetables can be viewed on our website at 

If the issue reported has been resolved but you have already filled in the form please contact the MLTC on to let us know that we no longer need to look into your clash.

We recognise that the process of ensuring your timetable is workable can be frustrating. Thank you for your patience.
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What is your full name? *
What is your Registration Number? *
What is your email address? *
What is your programme of study (degree programme)? *
Which MLTC module AND session type is involved in the clash? Please use the MLTC code e.g. MLT101A seminar/MLT201 tutorial *
Please indicate the time this class occurs, e.g. Mondays 14:00-15:00 *
Which other module is this clashing with? Please give the code *
Would this clash be solved by moving into a different MLTC group? *
If you answered 'yes',  please list the times of ALL relevant alternative sessions that you would be able to attend.  Please be reminded that this does not mean that you will be automatically added to this class.
Please follow this link for timetables.
Is this module causing a clash with an event outside University? Please provide an explanation here (noting that changes will only be considered under specific circumstances which may require further evidence to be submitted)
Any further information you'd like to give:
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