Registration Form
Please fill out the form below to register,  to be read and signed by parent/caregiver for a child participant; or by an adult participant for themselves.
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Personal Information:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Other Given Names:
Date of Birth: *
Address: *
Phone: *
Esborra la selecció
Name of Family Doctor:
Are you NZ Citizen? *
Ethnicity? *
Emergency Contact:
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Relationship to participant:
Phone: *
Address: *
(Please skip this section if you are registering your tamariki for Tamariki Taiea/Reheko Rangatahi)
Please list below the name, age, and gender of your Tamariki.
What Services do you wish to enroll in?
(You may be sent a follow up form for each of the following)
Please select if you have any of the following health conditions:
(Please specify)
Are you currently taking any medication? *
Have you had any major injuries (breaks or strains) or illness (glandular fever etc) in the last six months that may limit full participation in any activities? *
Do you have any allergies? (If yes please specify treatment required in answer).
Please outline any dietary requirements *
Is there any information kaimahi should know to ensure the physical and emotional safety of you/ your child? (for example, cultural practices, anxiety, darkness, small spaces) *
Are you aware of your consumer rights? *
Are you aware of the complaint process? *
Privacy and Confidentiality:

Manaaki Matakaoa ensures personal patient information is not available without your personal written consent.

Consent:  *
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