Quakers seek to be clear and transparent in the work that we do and in our recording and use of your personal information. In order to nurture the life of our meeting we would like to collect and use personal data. For some of this data and its use we need your explicit consent. We work to safeguard the information that we use and we follow Britain Yearly Meeting’s Data Protection policy which complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation which came into force in May 2018.
Bridport Quaker Meeting uses a private Google Domain (Bridportquakers.org) for all its internal business. Members' data is held securely within the domain and communication with Members is from or to the domain. There is a public website (
www.bridportquakers.org) which does not provide access to the Meeting data.
Printed forms are available from the Local Meeting notice board or by email from the Clerk. Please use a separate form for each adult.
If in future you wish to change your information or permissions, please contact the Meeting Clerk or email:
clerkb@bridportquakers.orgIf you are a Member we will keep your contact information and basic membership information. This information will be seen and used by the appropriate officers and committee members of the meeting only. This counts as “necessary information” under the General Data Protection Regulation.
If you are an Attender we would like to keep your contact information. This information will be seen and used by the appropriate officers and committee members only.