SBCC Competition Mentoring
The purpose of this form is to request a mentor to guide you as to how to get started or improve your success in photographic competitions.  The goal is to determine your interest and ability and match you up with another person in the club who can help you achieve your objectives.
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Please enter your name *
Email Address *
How long have you been a member of SBCC? *
Have you ever competed before at Stony Brook and/or any other camera club? *
If you have competed before, when was it, and what was your experience like?
What competition categories are you interested in competing in?  Check as many as you wish.  *
What is your self-perceived ability in photography? *
What would you like to achieve through your mentorship? *
What are the best ways for you to communicate with and/or meet with your mentor?  Check as many boxes as you wish. *
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