'A Web Monetization Story' Feedback
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For more info on the project behind 'A Web Monetization Story' visit https://akitaproject.site/
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Were you using Web Monetization before you came across 'A Web Monetization Story'? *
Which categories would you place yourself in? *
What was your overall impression of 'A Web Monetization Story'? *
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Yay...fantastic :)
How would you rate your Web Monetization understanding before visiting 'A Web Monetization Story'? *
How would you rate your Web Monetization understanding after visiting 'A Web Monetization Story'?
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Which parts of Web Monetization did 'A Web Monetization Story' help you understand? *
Was there anything in 'A Web Monetization Story' that was not explained in a way that helped you understand? Do you have any questions remaining after visiting 'A Web Monetization Story'? *
Were you able to navigate through 'A Web Monetization Story' easily? Did you get lost at any point? *
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