Technical Advisory Group Sign Up for the National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education
We have invited 100 innovators to the National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education who collectively will bring substantial diversity to this conversation around advancing competency education—racial and ethnic diversity, regional diversity, experience in all levels of the education system, and expertise in implementing competency education as well as related fields. Yet, across the country there are thousands of leaders and educators who have expertise in competency education that could make valuable contributions to these conversations. Thus, we have designed a participatory process leading up to the Summit through Technical Advisory Groups (TAG). We deeply appreciate your leadership, generosity and willingness to share your insights and ideas by joining a TAG for the National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education. Lessons learned from innovators and early adopters are invaluable to us, and we all learn from seeing other’s perspectives and experiences. Thus, we created this participatory process by which many people can participate in a transparent way.

We appreciate your time and thoughtful feedback in advance to move the field of K-12 competency education to the next generation of ideas and actionable outcomes. To join a TAG, you must have at least one year of experience in the field of competency education.

As a TAG member, we will share a draft document with you and ask you to share your insights at some point during a one-week virtual session using google docs. A team of writers will be responding in real time to your insights. We hope you will be able to check back to the google doc several times throughout the week as ideas develop. There will be a phone call or webinar on the first day to launch each of the TAGs. The schedule for the TAG sessions are listed below:

1. Designing for Equity: January 30 – February 3, 2017: This TAG will help develop an equity framework for personalized learning including issues of tempo, pace, depth of learning, trajectories to graduation, and effort.

2. Developing Policy for the Long-Term: February 6-10, 2017: This TAG will identify the types of supportive policies that build capacity for educators, school leaders and districts; autonomy; next generation accountability models; and continuous improvement models for school performance.

3. Meeting Students Where They Are: February 27 – March 3, 2017 (to be managed by reDesign): This TAG will address the difficulties for districts and schools to move beyond teaching on (age-based) grade levels regardless of where students are in their learning continuums.

4. The Systems and Structures Necessary for Quality Implementation: April 3-7, 2017: This TAG will identify the specific policies, structures and practices needed to ensure high-quality implementation of K-12 personalized, competency-based education.

Please use this form to sign up for the TAG that most appeals to your interests and expertise. After you submit this form, we will contact you with more details and next steps.

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1. Do you have at least one year of experience in the field of competency-based education? *
2. First Name *
3. Last Name *
4. Title *
5. Organization *
6. Organization Website
7. City *
8. State *
9. Zip Code *
10. Phone Number *
11. Email Address *
12. Bio
13. Please check the appropriate box(es) indicating your special expertise: *
14. Please describe your experience in competency education. *
15. Are you interested in joining this TAG: Designing for Equity (January 30 – February 3, 2017)? *
16. Are you interested in joining this TAG: Developing Policy for the Long-Term (February 6-10, 2017)? *
17. Are you interested in joining this TAG: Meeting Students Where They Are (February 27 – March 3, 2017)? *
18. Are you interested in joining this TAG: The Systems and Structures Necessary for Quality Implementation (April 3-7, 2017)? *
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