James H. Eldredge School Bullying Reporting Form
For more information, please refer to the Bullying, Intimidation, & Harassment policy of East Greenwich schools:


All sections are optional. The information you provide will be submitted directly to the principal of Eldredge.
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1. Name of the person filing this report:
2. Who is being bullied?
3. Who do you believe is bullying this person?
4. What is the relationship between you and the alleged  bully and the victim? How do you know them?
If names are unknown, please provide any other identifiable information.
5. Please list all the students possibly involved.
If names are unknown, please provide any other identifiable information.
6. Please provide a description of any specific bullying incidents involving the students noted in questions 2 & 3.
7. When did these bullying incident/s occur?
8. Where has the bullying occurred?
(Check all that apply)
9. If there were any possible witnesses, please list all their names.
10. Type of bullying being reported: *
(Check all that apply)
11. Who else have you reported this incident to, if anyone?
12. Other information, including previous incidents or threats:
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This form was created inside of East Greenwich Public Schools. Report Abuse