Trusted Tester Program - Opt Out Request
Fill this form if you've been a part of the Google Cloud Trusted Tester Program and you previously opted in to permit Google to use your data to improve pre-GA AI/ML services and would now like to opt out of this.

If you would also like Google to delete the Opt-In Data (that is not De-identified Data) pursuant to Section 3(b)(iii) (Deletion) in the TTP terms (or the applicable equivalent section in your TTP terms), please send an email to your Google contact.

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By checking this box, you are giving an opt-out instruction to Google under Section 3(c)(ii) (Opt-out Instruction) in the Trusted Tester Program (TTP) terms (or the applicable equivalent section in your TTP terms). In particular, you are confirming that you no longer wish to contribute your Opt-in Data (as defined in the TTP Terms) to develop and improve Google Cloud Platform’s AI/ML Pre-GA Offerings and Services.

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