Ark Angel Games Feedback Form
Hi and thank you for playtesting one of my games! As a designer, playtester feedback is one of the many tools I use to make my games the best they can be. Please be as open and honest as you can, nice words are great but won't improve the game in the long run.

If you have found your way here by mistake, pop over to my website to check out my games, both published and in development. hopefully we can catch you at a playtest event or convention some time soon :)


Karl Lange
Owner & Designer
Ark Angel Games
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What game did you Playtest? *
How many people played the game? *
Including yourself
Did you win? *
The following questions are ranked out of 4
1 being the worst, 4 being fantastic
Were the rules clear and unambiguous? *
Very Confusing
Very Clear
Were the text and symbols that were used clear? *
Very Confusing
Very Clear
Did the game keep you focused and engaged? *
Including when it was not your turn
I Was Bored
Very Engaged
Did the mechanics (parts of the gameplay) work well together? *
Mismatched Mechanics
Fit Perfectly
Did the theme fit and enrich the experience? *
Bad theme
Fun & Immersive
Is the game original? *
nothing original
Never seen anything like it
The following questions are on a floating scale where 3 is Just Right
Does the game take the right amount of time? *
Too Short
Too Long
Do turns have the right amount of tasks? *
Not Enough to do
Too Much going on
Does the game have the right amount of decisions? *
No Decisions
Does the game have the right amount of luck? *
Not enough Luck
Too much Luck
Binary Questions
Was the end game predictable? *
ie. Did you know who was going to win half way through?
Would you play the game again? *
Would you buy this game? *
If yes, how much would you think its worth (RRP)?
Written Questions
Excluding artwork, how complete do you feel this game is? *
What is the games Weakest Point?
What is the games Strongest Point?
If you could change one thing, what would it be?
Any other Comments?
Thank you :)
Mailing List (Optional)
If you would like to be notified when I have games being released on Kickstarter or to retail, sign up here :)
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