NLYL Fall Registration
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Age as of September 1, 2024 *
Player's Name (First + Last) *
Phone *
Parent/Guardian Name(s) *
Email (for league notifications) *
Does your child have allergies? If so, please explain *
Does your child use an inhaler? *
Does your child have other medical history we should know about? If so, please explain *
Player Shirt Size *
Please list league, team, and coach most recently played for
Please let us know if you DO NOT want to be on a specific coach's team.
I have read, understood, and accepted the Code of Conduct found here: *
I/We, the parents/guardians of the above-named candidate for a position on a North Liberty Youth League (NLYL) team, hereby give my/our approval to participate in any and all NLYL activities, including transportation to and from the activities.
I/We know that participation in baseball or softball may result in serious injuries and protective equipment does not prevent all injuries to players, and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the NLYL, the NLYL board, sponsors, supervisors, participants, and persons transporting my/our child to and from activities from any claim arising out of any injury to my/our child whether the result of negligence or for any other cause.
I/We as a parent(s) or legal guardian, certify that the above named youth has been pronounced physically fit by a physician to participate in the NLYL. I release board members from all responsibility in respect to injury or accident.
Payment Method *
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