ご支援者様向けアンケート Questionnaire for Supporters

Thank you for your continued support!
Based on your feedback, we would like to make our creative activities even more satisfying.
Please let us know what you think!
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現在ご支援いただいているプランを教えてください。What plans do you currently support? *
ご支援いただいている期間を教えてください。How long have you been supporting us? *
ご支援への満足度を教えてください。Please let me know how satisfied you are with your support of me. *
ご支援いただいた理由をすべて教えてください。Please tell us all the reasons for your support. *
ご支援いただいた理由の中で最も強く当てはまるものを教えてください。Please tell us which of the following reasons most strongly applies to your support. *
以下の中でやってほしいものがあればお選びください。Please select any of the following that you would like us to do. *
ご意見やコメント等ございましたらお願いします。Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.
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