Toys in Space (Domain 1B) Mini Grey
The following questions are designed to allow KS1 pupils to practise and apply their skills of Content Domain 1D. They have been written in a progressive order, and using different question types, to support KS1 pupils of different abilities. Depending on the reading age of pupils, the text can be read by an adult or read independently by a pupil,  with questions being answered independently or in discussion with the teacher. Please see further resources for Content Domain 1B & 1C using this text.

1D: Make inferences from the text
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How do you think the toys felt when they saw the stars for the first time? Explain why you think this. *
1 point
‘Well the toys were inside the spaceship and feeling a bit worried as you can imagine.’ Why were the characters feeling worried? *
1 point
‘Then a door opened.’ How do you think the toys felt when the door opened? *
1 point
What did the toys do or say to show this? *
1 point
Find and copy a group of words from the text that tell us that the alien was upset. *
1 point
‘It took them to a room of a thousand lost toys.’ What word best describes how the toys were feeling when they saw the ‘thousand lost toys’? What did the toys do or say to show this? *
1 point
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