r/kustom's code db submissions
If you have any kode you'd like to submit, this is the place. You will be credited @ your reddit username & url or g+ username & url, pick one.
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Any pre-requisites?
Software pre-requisites (such as Tasker .xml files, API keys and the like), I suggest you make your best effort to keep everything in KLWP/KWGT. I will mirror additional files (up to 10MB each). If you do not provide download links in this form then they WILL NOT be mirrored; so make sure they're in here.
Any globals?
Format: [global type]gv(globalname)[globalvalue]
Put in a concise explanation of your code: *
Try to keep it short; I may/may not edit for clarity so please make your best attempt to write proper english.
Put in your code here: *
Must be formatted for the KLWP/KWGT editor.
What categories should your code be tagged in? *
Select all that apply; but be conservative.
Insert the URL of the profile you would like to be credited @: *
Submitter username:
If you plan on submitting under different links and/or multiple times, just so it's easier to keep track of you.
Clear form
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