Earth Month 2023 Reflections
Earth Month 2023 was a chance to rekindle community, self-heal, and reconnect with the Earth through celebrations during April 2023. The many co-sponsors, Environmental Action Committee, and Environmental Stewardship Committee would like to hear your feedback on your experiences at Earth Month 2023, collect your ideas for 2024, and learn from you about how we all can better honor Mother Earth every day at Augsburg and beyond. Please complete this survey. Your name and contact information will not be recorded unless you indicate interest in organizing for next year.

Mii omaa akiing endaayang - The Earth is our Home

Follow @sustainable_augsburgu on Instagram to find out the results of this survey, to share your experiences of Earth Month 2023, and to get involved in Environmental Sustainability work at Augsburg beyond Earth Month!

Thanks everyone for making Earth Month 2023 a joyous time!
I am... *
What is your area of study (major, minor, etc.) and/or Department? *
During Augsburg's Earth Month 2023, which event(s) did you attend? *
Did you donate to the ShareShop during MoveOut (4/17-4/28)? *
Why did you choose to attend the event(s)?  *
What were your favorite parts of the Earth Month 2023 event(s) that you attended? *
How could the Earth Month 2023 event(s) that you attended be improved?
What topics or types of events would you like to see more of during next year's Earth Month? *
The goals of Earth Month 2023 were to share knowledge, heal from burnout, and spread joy across diverse approaches to environmental sustainability and justice work. How well did Earth Month achieve these goals? *
Did not achieve these goals
Exceeded these goals
An important priority of Earth Month Events was to emphasize Intersectional EnvironmentalismPlease share your experiences on how well this was or was not achieved. 
How did you hear about Earth Month 2023 events? *
Would you be willing to have any of your answers from this survey quoted as part of sharing the results of this survey? *
Please write your name and email below if you would like to be involved in the planning of Earth Month events next year and/or in ongoing Environmental Sustainability work at Augsburg.
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