The Sales Page Sparkle and Shine

I'm excited you're here! If you're ready to book a sales page audit, then...

Below are 18 questions that should take you about 15-20 minutes to complete.

Your responses to this questionnaire will help me get a good understanding of your online course, offer, and audience so I can best perform your sales page audit.

Please keep in mind the following: 

1) The more detailed your responses, the better! 

2) There are no right or wrong answers - every course launch / membership site is unique.

After you submit the form, I'll get back to you within 2 business days with confirmation, invoice link, and next steps.

Let's get started!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your first and last name: *
Your email: *
Your website: *
How did you hear about me? *
What's the product or service you need a sales page audit for?  *
Who is your ideal customer for this offer?
What is your customer's level of awareness? *
(Make your best guess.)
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