Veteran Memories
Part of our mission at the Greater West Bloomfield Historical Society is to collect and preserve the history of our four communities. This history is made by you: your stories; your challenges; and your experiences. These things connect and bind us together as a community.

We would like to collect your stories. Are you a veteran? Do you know any veterans? What branch of the armed services did they serve in? What was their experience like?
You can submit your story in any format you feel most comfortable with - a written document, a photograph, a piece of art, a video, a song, or anything else you’d care to share. Start by filling out the online form, found at the link below, and follow the instructions in the last question to upload your files.

If you have any questions or comments related to this project, please do not hesitate to reach out by emailing or calling  (248) 757-2451.
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Part of our mission is to provide access to the history of the four communities we serve. To that end, we would like the chance to share your story with others in the community either through a museum exhibit, social media posts, a printed volume, or some other form. If you do not want us to share your story publicly but still would like to share it with us privately, please indicate that below. *
First and Last Name *
Address *
How do you prefer to be contacted? *
Email Address
Phone Number
Submit your story here. Write however much or little you wish. (or email to
Please email any files (images, videos, etc.) associated with your story to
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