Guru's Guardian Angels Adoption Application
Please complete all required fields and allow up to 7 days for processing. We appreciate you caring!
E-mail *
About GGA Adoptions
  • Adoption Fee $150 (covers full vetting and preliminary care of the dog).

  • GGA will cover the cost of transporting the dog to the United States via Air Carrier.

  • Transport fee for out-of-area adopters: $50 (We have transport available to northeastern states.)

  • Fees are payable via check, PayPal, or Venmo and must be paid in advance of transport for out of area adopters.

  • Submitting this application does not mean you are commiting to a dog, nor does it guarantee you will get that dog.  It is simply a tool we use to help both you and us identify a good potential match for your family and lifestyle.

    A successful adoption depends on selecting the right dog for your household and a good understanding of the dog's needs and care requirements.  Please help us with this process by answering the following questions fully & completely. THANK YOU!

Date:  *
First Name:  *
Last Name:  *
Email Address: *
Birthdate *
Street Address:  *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code: *
Mobile Phone:  *
Home Phone (if applicable): 
What is your housing type?  *
How long have you lived at your current address? *
Do you rent, own or live with parents/relatives:  *
If you rent or live with parents/relatives, please provide the name and contact of your landlord or parents/relatives: 
What is your experience with pets? (Please check ALL that apply.) *
Have you rescued a dog in the past before? If so, please describe the circumstances. *
Name and description of dog you are interested in adopting: *
I want a dog for: *
Number of people in your household:  *
Ages of all children in your household: *
For each pet currently in your household, please list the following: Pet's name / Species (dog, cat, etc.) / Breed, / Spayed/Neutered (yes or no) / Age /  Years Owned (e.g. 2015-now) *
For each pet previously in your household, please list the following: Pet's name / Species (dog, cat, etc.) / Breed, / Spayed/Neutered (yes or no) / Age /  Years Owned (e.g. 2015-now) / Why don't you have them anymore? *
Where will your new dog live? *
What kind of exercise & playtime do you want with your new dog? *
What do you look forward to doing with your dog? *
How much can you budget MONTHLY for your pet's supplies and medical care? *
How much can you budget for your dog's medical care IN CASE OF EMERGENCY? *
How long do you expect to own this dog? *
How long will the dog be left alone in the home on an average day? *
What is the maximum length of time the dog will be left alone in the home? *
What arrangements would you make for this pet if you were no longer able to care for it?
Under what circumstances, if any, would you need to return the pet to GGA? (check any that apply) 
Do all members of your household agree on adopting? *
Is there anything else you think we should know, or anything you'd like to discuss with an adoption counselor?
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