RDC Travel Form - Proof of Insurance for Teams
This form is to provide proof of insurance to another team or league in or outside of Canada. 
As of January 2024 there will be a cost for each day of $4 per person per day for skaters playing roller derby outside of Canada. This is a special rate offered by Roller Derby Canada.
RDC travel insurance is only for use if you are playing with the Canadian team you are registered with. For skaters travelling as a single to boot camps, Rollercon, or attending a world cup event please use the RDC Travel Form - Individual Skaters travelling Out of Country. 
RDC does not cover skaters crossing the border to play on a USA team. Please allow 7-10 days processing time. WFTDA may require up to 30 days in advance for sanctioned games.  

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Email *
Name of person filling out this form *
Name of the league applying for certificate.  *
Name of League (team you are playing) requesting the Certificate and Address *
Location of Event *
Please provide the dates you are skating out of Country. *
What type of event will you be attending: 
Please provide the name of the event if applicable. 
Please provide each skaters Membership# and REAL name you need on the certificate use a comma to seperate. Please fill out the form for your whole team, including skating coaches, and skating officials. *
List any other email addresses that require a copy of this certificate.
Once we have processed your membership, we will send an invoice for the full league. Please provide a contact name and email so we can forward the invoice to the appropriate person. 
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