Contact the Community Health Team

Please let us know if you’ve experienced something you’re uncomfortable with in the EA community or would like to report a concern. We know a form isn't the warmest, but it ensures that each message reaches the staff member who has capacity and can help you the best. You can also remain anonymous if you choose to be.

By default your message will be seen by the three community liaisons (Catherine Low, Charlotte Darnell, and Julia Wise), plus Eve McCormick (project manager and senior assistant). For details about our team, see this page.

We know people who bring us sensitive situations care a lot about what happens with the information. Please request the level of confidentiality you want. Our full confidentiality policy is here.

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What would you like to share with us?
If there are any particular actions that you would like us to take, please include them so we can consider them.
How urgent is this concern?
Not urgent at all
I would like an action to be taken within a few days
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Optionally, anything you want to say about why it’s urgent:

How confidential would you like us to keep this?

By default, we treat information that comes into this form as sensitive. You can request different degrees of confidentiality. We’ll do our best to follow your request, though there may be some situations where we’re required to take more steps than you’d prefer (for example, we may be legally required to report some criminal activities, and if there is a problem involving Effective Ventures staff or spaces we may have to inform our legal team). Our full confidentiality policy is here

If you’d like to talk further with us about confidentiality, we’re happy to answer any questions you have before you share sensitive information.

Is there a staff member you’d prefer to speak with if possible?
Not all of our staff are shared on this form automatically, so if you request a staff member who wouldn’t normally see your submission, we may share it with them.
How would you like us to follow up with you about this, if at all?
You can request how you'd like us to respond, and we'll see what's possible. 
(Optional) Name
(Optional) Email
Reminder to leave us a contact email address if you would like us to follow up with you. We recommend you use a throwaway email address if you wish to remain anonymous.
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This form was created inside of Centre for Effective Altruism. Report Abuse